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> Black list, Недобропорядочные круинги, мошенники

Предлагаю здесь выкладывать информацию о недопорядочних круингах берущих взятки и невыплачивающих зарплату морякам, судовладельцах, различного рода мошенниках в морской сфере. Было бы здорово эту тему прокрепить вверху. Уверен, тема будет полезна всем, кто ищет работу в этой сфере.

Начну со своeго опыта.

Решил выложить классический пример развода на деньги, который применили на мне совсем недавно. Трудоустраивался я якобы в Shell Nigeria и отправил свое CV по адресу info@shell-nigerian.com . Ниже преведена наша переписка.

From info@shell-nigerian.com 1:

Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd
P.O.Box 263 Shell Industrial Area
Rumuobiakani Port Harcourt Nigeria
Tel: +234-8088334300


With the approval of the Board members of Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd, we are delighted to formally offer you the Appointment to work with us in Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd for the provision of Expatriates Relation Services for the period duly specified in your Offer Letter, please find attached Soft Copy of your Contract Terms of Employment for your perusal and immediate action if the terms of work is acceptable to you.

Upon thorough review and acceptance of this Contract Package, dot your signature in the space indicated in the last page of the Offer Letter and return same back to us via email attachment within a period of 7 working days.

Once you accept and sign this offer, you are to contact the immigration lawyer with the below email address and request for information required to enable him process your STR visa. Please note that your consistency is highly needed to enable him do his job and get you STR visa on time, also endeavor to keep us posted as regards your progress with the lawyer.

Visa Information
The below email belongs to the immigration lawyer who will be charge of your STR visa, once you agree to the terms and condition of this offer by signing your signature on the space provided, you are to immediately contact the below email address and let the lawyer know that you have accepted the job request STR visa requirements from him.

Immigration House Plot 3, Immigration Close,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
Email: philipnelsonchambers1023@consultant.com
Telephone: +234 8052087690

Upon receipt of the required documents from your side the immigration lawyer will secure your residence and work permit here in Nigeria and will contact the Nigerian Consulate in your country and fax all your documents to them to facilitate your visa.

Within a space of 7 working days after your papers have been faxed to the consulate, we shall notify you on when to go to the Consulate Office in your country for the endorsement of your international passport, brief interview and issuance of visa.

Best regards
Mr. Steven Lewis

From info@shell-nigerian.com 2:

Did you received the appointment letter sent to you? Do inform us and email us your direct mobile number.

Thank you
Steven Lewis

From me 1:

Good day.
Before I will sign contract witch was sent to me I want to ask several questions about work conditions:
1. Monthly salary is 12400 USD. Is it for every month (around 150 000 USD yearly), or only for working month (74400 USD yearly)?
2. Written salary is netto, I mean may be I should pay some taxis to Nigeria Government, if yes how much exactly should I pay from my yearly salary?
3. As far as I understood I have to leave in Nigeria during my off jobs day? Do I have any opportunities to visit Russia from time to time; is it real during 2 years contract? Should I pay my self for flight tickets?
4. Do you have vacancy for experience 2/E position; can you right also salary and working condition for this position?
Thank you for reply

From info@shell-nigerian.com 3:


1. Monthly salary is 12400 USD. Is it for every month (around 150 000 USD yearly), or only for working month (74400 USD yearly)? YOUR SALARY IS 12,400 USD EVERY MONTH WHICH IS (148,800 USD YEARLY)
2. Written salary is netto, I mean maybe I should pay some taxis to Nigeria Government, if yes how much exactly should I pay from my yearly salary? 1% OF EACH MONTH SALARY SHALL BE DEDUCTED AS TAX TO THE GOVERNMENT.
3. As far as I understood I have to leave in Nigeria during my off jobs day? YES YOU CAN GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY AND COME BACK AFTER 28 DAYS.
Do I have any opportunities to visit Russia from time to time; is it real during 2 years contract? Should I pay myself for flight tickets? YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR FLIGHT TICKET IF YOU WHICH TO VISIT RUSSIA FROM TIME TO TIME.
4. Do you have vacancy for experience 2/E position; can you right also salary and working condition for this position? PLEASE I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN. OR DO U MEAN YOUR JOB DUTIES ?
Thank you
Steven Lewis

From info@shell-nigerian.com 4:

Email us your mobile number.

Thank you
Steven Lewis

From me 2:

Good day.
It’s clear now. My phone number is ……, but I’m still on board, and will disembark 5-6 of August, so you can call me only after 6 of August when I will be in Russia.
Little bit more questions:
1. How I should pay for Nigerian VISA, or you will pay and also tell me what expenses are you expecting from my side before I will come to place of work (fly tickets, hotels, etc)? Or Shell will pay for all my travel expenses?
2. Could you please send me some ships specification or short information, on board of witch I suppose to work? Is it supply vessels or what?
3. For 2nd engineer position I mean, do you have same contract, just for my knowledge?
Thank you for reply

From info@shell-nigerian.com 5:

1. How I should pay for Nigerian VISA, or you will pay and also tell me what expenses are you expecting from my side before I will come to place of work (fly tickets, hotels, etc)? Or Shell will pay for all my travel expenses? You will take care of your visa fees; while shell take care of your feeding, house allowance and flight ticket to Nigeria and a private Car. And shall direct you to an immigration agent that will process your visa, work permit and he will tell you the visa fees amount.
2. Could you please send me some ships specification or short information, on board of witch I suppose to work? Is it supply vessels or what? Supply vessel and engine type / B&W 5S50MC/15300, Wartsila 6L46/6300
3. For 2nd engineer position I mean, do you have same contract, just for my knowledge? Yes same contract

Thank you
Steven Lewis
From me 3:
What is a price for Nigerian Visa and how I can pay?
Thank you for reply.

From info@shell-nigerian.com 6:


The payment of the visa is not important yet, what you need now is to sign the contract appointment letter and email
Back to us, then you contact the immigration agent with the contact details below for the processing of your visa.
Immigration House Plot 3, Immigration Close,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
Email: philipnelsonchambers1023@consultant.com
Telephone: +234 8052087690
Contact the immigration agent now i have already called him, kindly follow up his instructions and email to him the required documents for the processing of your visa.
Thank you
Steven Lewis

From philipnelsonchambers1023@consultant.com:

Dear Mr. X
You’re to use any western union agents near you to send the visa fee and email the payment information.

Receivers name:.......PHILIP NELSON
Address:......... Immigration House Plot 3, Immigration Close, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria

You can call if you have any question. +234 8052087690

Philip Nelson
Immigration Attorney

Будьте бдительны коллеги :-) Естественно я звонил в оффициальное представительство Shell, и они не в курсе о том что у них оказывается есть такие *сотрудники* как Steven Lewis и PHILIP NELSON
02.08.12 - 17:12 #5144779

Да, таких разводок много в интернете. Начинают приходить письма после размещения своих резюме на сайтах по трудоустройству.
Мне тоже приходили, но нашёл инфу и ситуация прояснилась:
Наверное не стоит выкладывать контакты всех спамеров, а только реально косячные конторы.
Wed, 13 Jun 2012 16:50:21 +0100 от "Seabourn Yacht Hotel JOB Offer For JUNE/2012/....." <day.chris92@gmail.com>:
> Dear X,
> We appreciate your interest in working with us and we have open an
> application file with reference number 2011/UK/June/SEA/3965. We have
> gone through your CV and We found the post of 3rd Engineer for you with
> salary amount of 7,500 GB Pounds per month.The destination is always
> from London to France,Ireland,Belgium,Norway,Wales and USA.
> Benefit:
> The company will provide free accommodation ,Insurance (NIN) ,Flight
> Ticket,Tax Free and many more benefit you will see in your Appointment
> Letter.
> Working Schedule:
> Working Days & time: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00PM (GMT)
> Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 Am - 4:00 PM (GMT)
> Shift Time: Morning and Night.
> Contract Period: 2 Years contract and it can be extended if only you
> wish to remain with our company
> Vacation : 4-5months on /2-4months off
> As a notice of acceptance of job offer , we shall send you appointment
> and invitation letter for you to sign and return the sign copy back to
> us for record purpose . so therefore kindly let us know if you are
> satisfy with the salary rate above in order for us to proceed further.
> We await to hear from you ASAP.
> Regards
> Mr Day Chris
02.08.12 - 20:09 #5145008

похожая тема уже есть: http://forum.nvrsk.ru/index.php?showtopic=162755

Ну а нигерийские письма это по-моему классика жанра на все времена :)

На мореходе такие разводки были ещё года два назад расписаны, про Seabourne Yacht аж от 12-04-2011 первый пост.
02.08.12 - 21:42 #5145168

9 stolknuls9 tol'ko sei4as. sorry, dumal tema budet polezna :(
Mojno udal9t' v protivnom slu4ae
02.08.12 - 22:49 #5145260

QUOTE (Pluton @ 02.08.12 - 17:12)

2. Could you please send me some ships specification or short information, on board of witch I suppose to work? Is it supply vessels or what? Supply vessel and engine type / B&W 5S50MC/15300, Wartsila 6L46/6300

забавно супердлиноходовой бурмейстр 5S50MC на supply vessel? такая машина стоит на танкере Maersk Riga dwt 34,810 t. че то гонят нигерийские разводилы! :o
02.08.12 - 23:08 #5145295

QUOTE (Pluton @ 02.08.12 - 17:12)
я звонил в оффициальное представительство Shell,

забавно где такое есть..
02.08.12 - 23:14 #5145307

QUOTE (gogson @ 02.08.12 - 23:14)
QUOTE (Pluton @ 02.08.12 - 17:12)
я звонил в оффициальное представительство Shell,

забавно где такое есть..

Da vse eto o4en' zabavno. No mnogie vedut's9

Zvonil vot suda:


The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd.
P.O.Box 263
Shell Industrial Area
Port Harcourt

Tel. +234 84 429999


Oni srisovali etu infu s moego CV ;)


Postit' ves' etot lohotron v Kruingi Novo ili davat' ssilki na morehod? ;)
02.08.12 - 23:31 #5145328

да оставь как есть, будет актуально тема останется наверху, если нет - сама и уйдёт вниз
02.08.12 - 23:42 #5145337

QUOTE (Хитрец @ 02.08.12 - 23:42)
да оставь как есть, будет актуально тема останется наверху, если нет - сама и уйдёт вниз

Ok. Bud' 4to budet

Sam v woke 4to uje 100ni obmanytih. 9 to pervii raz narvals9, rewil vot predostere4' ostal'nih
02.08.12 - 23:46 #5145339

В любом случае это полезная тема
03.08.12 - 07:57 #5145461

Процесс трудоустройства непосредственно к владельцу на постоянный контракт, а не через агенство -это довольно не быстрый процесс. Одной переписки недостаточно. Если компания в Вас заинтересовалась, то вначале с Вами поговорит, для начала по телефону, какой то менеджер по первоначальному найму, потом будет собеседование, а может и несколько уже с конкретным специалистом в зависимости от вашей должности. И только после этого Вам пришлют предварительный контракт или job offer. А вот дальше пошлют куда-нибудь на медкомиссию в международную клинику, а так же собрать ряд документов - например у меня везде просили справку о несудимости ( а сейчас у нас это занимает два месяца). И вот если все будет нормально, то Вам пришлют полный контракт. Это довольно объемный пакет документов. Все расходы компания оплачивает сама, все билеты, проживание, питание и т.д. на медкомиссии и собеседованиях за границей. Так же можно немного поторговаться, хотя у тебя всегда спрашивают сколько ты получал на предыдущей работе. Все вопросы, типа, а ты готов ехать сейчас - это провокация или обман. Нигде нет такой дикой нехватки кадров или такой критической ситуации, чтобы брали незнакомого человека и пускали сразу в ротацию. Всегда можно найти временную замену или кого-то повысить в должности. Может есть исключения, когда кто-то из работников компании Вас "берет за руку и приводит" в компанию, но все равно всей бумажной волокиты Вам не избежать.
Я очень давно в чудеса не верю и поэтому считаю предложения отличные от моей схемы сомнительными и подобные даже не рассматриваю, несмотря на обещания.
To Pluton,

И напоследок, не советую связываться с филиалами в банановых странах. Все крупные богатые компании - это Европа, Америка или арабы ( но это уже на любителя). У них у всех есть головные офисы в нормальных странах и разговаривать с Вами будут именно оттуда, а вот дальше при трудоустройстве они могут Вас распределить в какой-то регион, в зависимости от нужд компании.
03.08.12 - 11:37 #5145878

Вот еще к примеру London River Cruises Ltd!! Друга хотели раскрутить :D

"London River Cruises Ltd" <capt.frank.elliott@gmail.com>:
Dear .....
We appreciate your interest in working with us and we have opened an application file with reference number SEA/UK/FEB/2012/4512. We have gone through your CV and We found the post of 2nd Officer for you with salary amount of 7,500 GB Pounds per month.The destination is always from London to France,Ireland,Belgium,Norway,Wales,Scotland and USA.

The company will provide free accommodation ,Insurance (NIN) ,Flight Ticket,Tax Free and many more benefit you will see in your Appointment Letter.

Working Schedule:
Working Days & time: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00PM (GMT)

Saturday & Sunday: Off Day

Shift Time: Morning and Night.

Contract Period: 2 Years contract and it can be extended if only you wish to remain with our company

Vacation : 4-5months on /2-4months off

As a notice of acceptance of job offer , we shall send you appointment and invitation letter for you to sign and return the sign copy back to us for record purpose . so therefore kindly let us know if you are satisfy with the salary rate above in order for us to proceed further.

We await to hear from you ASAP.

Best Regards
Capt. Frank Elliott
03.08.12 - 13:42 #5146070

Так Pluton это ака Rost?
Тота давно его тут небыло видно..
12.08.12 - 00:38 #5158234

QUOTE (BeeJo @ 12.08.12 - 00:38)
Так Pluton это ака Rost?
Тота давно его тут небыло видно..

Нет. Это перепост ;)
14.08.12 - 14:09 #5161923

BeeJo Возможно, что под старым ником больше и не увидишь
14.08.12 - 14:56 #5161994
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