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> Негативные новости иноземщины, Хроники падения западного образа жизни

QUOTE (Бабуля @ 05.02.19 - 11:56)
Вот не я это написала. )

И посмотри вокруг, как государство суперактивно с наркоманией борется.
Тут и призадумаешься.

Ты действительно искренне считаешь, что экипаж судна сам решает, куда им идти на "своем" пароходе и что грузить? :D
05.02.19 - 12:01 #6718997

Ващето в тюряге только самим сидеть придется.
05.02.19 - 12:04 #6718999

QUOTE (Бабуля @ 05.02.19 - 12:04)
Ващето в тюряге только самим сидеть придеться.

Это да. Попали в нехороший переплет. Странно что не стали груз задерживать в конечной точке, вместе с адресатом. Обычно ведь ведут до конечного получателя.
05.02.19 - 12:11 #6719001

А чо за шорох по кокаину?
Его регулярно находят еженедельно, и везде, ничего особенного.

Немного статистики, найденные партии, пришедшие только в Европу.

2012 - 38 случаев - 12,087 тонн
2013 - 78 случаев - 18,495 тонн
2014 - 56 случаев - 12,381 тонн
2015 - 44 случая - 7,174 тонн
2016 - 60 случаев 26,214 тонн
2017 - 109 случаев 31,835 тон

Всего 384 случая - 108,187 тонн
05.02.19 - 13:58 #6719018

Так наши жи рекорд поставили.
По разовой грузоподъемности. /машу платочком/
05.02.19 - 14:00 #6719019

Та нихера.
Это Европа только.
В латинской Америке и Азии партии покрупнее за раз находят. И по 50 тонн.
05.02.19 - 14:02 #6719020

<_< Опять в хвосте.
05.02.19 - 14:02 #6719021

Эффективные методы борьбы потому что. Блокировка телеграмм, шмон гаишниками - багажник откройте, запрещённого ничего нету?
05.02.19 - 14:04 #6719022

Ты подозрительно много знаешь в мелкооптовой теме. :suxx:
05.02.19 - 14:06 #6719023

QUOTE (gogson @ 05.02.19 - 13:58)
Немного статистики, найденные партии, пришедшие только в Европу.

2012 - 38 случаев - 12,087 тонн
2013 - 78 случаев - 18,495 тонн
2014 - 56 случаев - 12,381 тонн
2015 - 44 случая - 7,174 тонн
2016 - 60 случаев 26,214 тонн
2017 - 109 случаев 31,835 тон

Всего 384 случая - 108,187 тонн

Действительно, после кризиса продажи просели...
Совпадение? не думаю...
Скорее, компенсация.
Волна прухи поперла!!!
05.02.19 - 14:07 #6719024

QUOTE (gogson @ 05.02.19 - 13:58)
А чо за шорох по кокаину?

Мэстные либерасты старательно ищут связь между найденной наркотой и российским экипажем. А рас экипаж российский, то приказ набить трюмА коксом отдал Самизнаетекто.
А больше некому. Даже не обсуждается. :)
05.02.19 - 14:36 #6719030

05.02.19 - 15:12 #6719036

это ты про Вальку или Глебыча? <_<
05.02.19 - 15:13 #6719038

Один на днях как раз заборол всю наркоту, вроде.
СМИ умалчивают.
Типо - серце раз и остановилось, вскрытие покажет (куда кокс везли).

Продаётся оружие и энергоресурсы,
покупается кокс, бухло, и бусы.

Осталось начать продавать территорию и завозить ядерно-химические отходы.
05.02.19 - 15:18 #6719039

он не от кокса. знакомые уже просвятили, знающие наклонности сего персонажа.Чудодейственные таблеточки. Обычно уже к 30 первый инфаркт получают. А это видать уже на третьем квакнул
05.02.19 - 15:23 #6719040

КВН, да наши торговые суда только на треть под российским флагом ходят. Кстати, что очень забавно в свете борьбы с офшорами.

это судно "нашим" никогда не было
6072144 Registered owner ECOLIVE DE PANAMA SA Local 3, Calle D, Parque Lefevre, Panama City, Panama. since 06/11/2018
5361738 ISM Manager GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73, Kosuyolu Mah, Kadikoy, 34710 Istanbul, Turkey. since 07/06/2013
5361738 Ship manager/Commercial manager GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73, Kosuyolu Mah, Kadikoy, 34710 Istanbul, Turkey. since 07/06/2013


Company Role Date of effect Source(s)
ECOLIVE DE PANAMA SA Registered owner since 06/11/2018 IHS Maritime
STEP SHIPPING CORP Registered owner since 17/09/2013 IHS Maritime
GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT ISM Manager since 07/06/2013 IHS Maritime
GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Ship manager/Commercial manager since 07/06/2013 IHS Maritime
ISKOMARINE SHIPPING & TRADING ISM Manager since 16/12/2004 IHS Maritime
NAVIBLUE CORP Registered owner since 15/04/2004 IHS Maritime
ISKOMARINE SHIPPING & TRADING Ship manager/Commercial manager since 15/04/2004 IHS Maritime
UNKNOWN ISM Manager since 31/03/2004 IHS Maritime
BRIESE SCHIFFAHRTS GMBH & CO ISM Manager since 03/04/2001 IHS Maritime

Owner and ISM management
Gemiciler Denizcilik Nakiliyat
Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73 Kouyoglu Mah Kadikoy 34710 Istanbul, Turkey

а то, какой национальности там работают моряки, никак не указывает на принадлежность судна именно к той или иной стране.
И "втемную" погрузить 10 тонн кокса очень проблематично.

откуда сии познания? груз в мешках, по документам это сахарная пудра, все уже затаможено, есть коносаменты, грузавой манифест с печатью таможни. окуда экипажу знать, что там на самом деле? если контейнер, то он опломбирован уже на берегу со всеми формальностями. Экипаж пломбу срывать не имеет права.
случаи, когда суда ловят с наркотиками, масса. но почему то зацепились за этот.
вот навскидку за 2018 год
Mexican law enforcement agencies were tipped off on a possible cocaine shipment on board of container ship which was to dock at Lazaro Cardenas port, Pacific coast. On arrival, container ship CAP PALLISER was searched and 6 cases were found attached to underwater hull, containing in total, 285 kilos of cocaine. Official announcement was made on Jan 3, CAP PALLISER arrived at Lazaro Cardenas on Dec 30 and left the same day, bound for Los Angeles. Cocaine, acording to Mexican officials, was to be delivered to Long Beach. Understood crew, ship and ship’s operator have nothing to do with drug trafficking, the ship was used as transportation means to contraband cocaine. Crew just can’t prevent or spot divers attaching something to ship’s underwater hull
Product tanker KALUBA was intercepted in Caribbean by join efforts of Dominican Republic, US and Netherlands, after several months investigation and shadowing of three main suspects in drug trafficking. Tanker was taken to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 1570 kilos of pure cocaine were found, 12 crew detained, suspect in accomplishing drug ring. Tanker was en route from Aruba Caribbean to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Several main suspects in organizing cocaine traffic have been already put under arrest. Tanker was seized either on New Year Eve or shortly after. Cocaine was hidden in cargo tank.

В Испании на борту контейнеровоза изъяли рекордные девять тонн кокаина
Апрель 26, 20181318

Испанские власти изъяли почти девять тонн кокаина, найденного в контейнере на борту судна в порту Альхесирас.

В связи с этим было арестовано пять человек.

Представители испанской таможенной службы сообщили, что следователи изъяли в общей сложности 8 740 килограммов наркотика. Кокаин обнаружили в контейнере с 1080 коробками колумбийских бананов на контейнеровозе Lucie Schulte.

Это самое крупное изъятие кокаина, когда-либо проведенное в Испании, а также крупнейшая контрабанда наркотиков на контейнеровозе в Европе.

Полиция отслеживала контейнеры до места назначения в Малаге, Испания. где арестовала трех человек от компании-импортера. Еще двоих задержали во Франции, подозревая в связи с транспортировкой кокаина.

Контейнеровоз Lucie Schulte отпустили и он продолжил плавание. Судно вместимостью 2572 TEU зарегистрировано в Сингапуре.
http://mtelegraph.com/record-nine-tons- ... ciras.html

Security at Santos port, Brazil, spotted suspicious activity at Italian ro-ro ship GRANDE NIGERIA seaside at dawn Aug 7, on CCTV cameras. A speedboat came alongside berthed GRANDE NIGERIA , some objects were hoisted from boat to ship’s cargo deck, i.e. there were people on board waiting for boat with its’ cargo. Police and Port Security officers couldn’t reach the ship in time to detain perpetrators, during ship’s search 18 suitcases were found in containers with rice and scrap. Waterproof suitcases contained cocaine, of 1.2 ton total weight. An investigation was launched, probing both port workers and crew probable involvement. GRANDE NIGERIA left Santos on Aug 9, bound reportedly, for Europe, hopefully with all crew on board. Containers where suitcases were hidden were destined for Antwerp.

Colombia: Over a Ton of Cocaine Found on Containership
More than one ton of cocaine hydrochloride has been seized on board a Singapore-flagged boxship in the waters near Barranquilla, the Colombian Navy said.

The 9,814 TEU Cap San Tainaro left the Port of Cartagena on August 1, 2018, heading for the Port of Antwerp in Belgium.

The country’s navy intercepted the Post-Panamax vessel in a joint operation conducted together with the coast guard and other agencies.

Following an inspection, a total of 1,144 kilograms of cocaine were found. The cocaine has a value of USD 66 million in the European black market, according to the navy.

What is more, the navy detained Cap San Tainaro’s fifteen crewmen who are reportedly Ukrainian nationals.

The boxship, built at Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in 2014, is owned by Greece-based Enesel SA, VesselsValue’s data shows.

A rather unusual and confusing incident took place in the morning Aug 12 off Santos Brazil, when GRIMALDI’s ro-ro GRANDE FRANCIA was boarded by several armed man from a boat, which came alongside the ship, anchored on Santos outer Anchorage. The crew who spotted intruders alerted the bridge, Master activated security system and informed Santos authorities, requiring immediate assistance. Understood the crew blocked superstructure or hided inside most safe compartments, waiting for help. Navy patrol came too late to intercept the intruders because of foul weather, they managed to flee the ship. Cargo area was searched, two broken containers were found, with nothing stolen. But in two other containers bags were found with 1322 kilo of cocaine in them. Bags were still wet. According to preliminary version, broken containers were a distraction, to smokescreen drug shipment. But police isn’t sure whether cocaine was brought by intruders, or was already on board, loaded during ship’s stay in port.
What’s all about, is absolutely unclear. Several days before, on Aug 7, another GRIMALDI’s ro-ro ship, GRANDE NIGERIA, was also involved in cocaine trafficking attempt, while the ship was berthed at Santos.

Luxury yacht HCH-X was intercepted by Spanish Customs patrol boat early in the morning Aug 19, 15 nm west of Ibiza, Balearic Islands, on a suspicion of drugs trafficking. Some 300 kilo of cocaine of 18 mil euro value were found, divided into two parts 150 kilo each, and hidden inside yacht’s interior and Captain’s cabin. Yacht 5 crew were arrested, 4 of them being Dutch, and 1 German nationality. Yacht was taken to Palma de Mallorca. Understood bales with high quality cocaine were picked up by yacht after they’ve been dropped by a cargo ship. Investigation under way.

11 persons, part of drug trafficking ring, were arrested, 9 of them in Rio, during large-scale anti drug operation in Brazil, more arrests are coming, with 40 arrest and search warrants being already issued. Operation was focused on maritime drugs trafficking, by means of containers, bound for Europe. Criminals called the scheme “rip-off”, it demanded complicit stevedores on board. Small boat with drugs approached berthed container ship, drugs were hoisted by stevedores and placed into specific, previously selected, containers. The shippers and consignees weren’t aware of contraband, at least the police found no evidence pointing at them, so far.
What’s curious, is the photo with confiscated cocaine packs, provided by the police. Photo was published on Oct 10, after the police caught 4 criminals on board of container ship during drug bust, 2 of them being stevedores. Packs on photo are labeled with symbol of ruling Russian Party, Edinaya Rossiya (United Russia), portraying a bear, with Russian Banner in the background.


Ага, приходит лично Эскобар в сопровождении трех вооруженных горилл к мастеру

Звали его Паша по фамилии Эскобаров

знакомые уже просвятили,

да уж кто-бы сомневался. видео показывали, поди, вблизи..
05.02.19 - 20:26 #6719089

QUOTE (artem @ 05.02.19 - 20:26)
КВН, да наши торговые суда только на треть под российским флагом ходят. Кстати, что очень забавно в свете борьбы с офшорами.

это судно "нашим" никогда не было
6072144 Registered owner ECOLIVE DE PANAMA SA Local 3, Calle D, Parque Lefevre, Panama City, Panama. since 06/11/2018
5361738 ISM Manager GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73, Kosuyolu Mah, Kadikoy, 34710 Istanbul, Turkey. since 07/06/2013
5361738 Ship manager/Commercial manager GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73, Kosuyolu Mah, Kadikoy, 34710 Istanbul, Turkey. since 07/06/2013


Company Role Date of effect Source(s)
ECOLIVE DE PANAMA SA Registered owner since 06/11/2018 IHS Maritime
STEP SHIPPING CORP Registered owner since 17/09/2013 IHS Maritime
GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT ISM Manager since 07/06/2013 IHS Maritime
GEMICILER DENIZCILIK NAKLIYAT Ship manager/Commercial manager since 07/06/2013 IHS Maritime
ISKOMARINE SHIPPING & TRADING ISM Manager since 16/12/2004 IHS Maritime
NAVIBLUE CORP Registered owner since 15/04/2004 IHS Maritime
ISKOMARINE SHIPPING & TRADING Ship manager/Commercial manager since 15/04/2004 IHS Maritime
UNKNOWN ISM Manager since 31/03/2004 IHS Maritime
BRIESE SCHIFFAHRTS GMBH & CO ISM Manager since 03/04/2001 IHS Maritime

Owner and ISM management
Gemiciler Denizcilik Nakiliyat
Mahmut Yasari Sokak 73 Kouyoglu Mah Kadikoy 34710 Istanbul, Turkey

а то, какой национальности там работают моряки, никак не указывает на принадлежность судна именно к той или иной стране.
И "втемную" погрузить 10 тонн кокса очень проблематично.

откуда сии познания? груз в мешках, по документам это сахарная пудра, все уже затаможено, есть коносаменты, грузавой манифест с печатью таможни. окуда экипажу знать, что там на самом деле? если контейнер, то он опломбирован уже на берегу со всеми формальностями. Экипаж пломбу срывать не имеет права.
случаи, когда суда ловят с наркотиками, масса. но почему то зацепились за этот.
вот навскидку за 2018 год
Mexican law enforcement agencies were tipped off on a possible cocaine shipment on board of container ship which was to dock at Lazaro Cardenas port, Pacific coast. On arrival, container ship CAP PALLISER was searched and 6 cases were found attached to underwater hull, containing in total, 285 kilos of cocaine. Official announcement was made on Jan 3, CAP PALLISER arrived at Lazaro Cardenas on Dec 30 and left the same day, bound for Los Angeles. Cocaine, acording to Mexican officials, was to be delivered to Long Beach. Understood crew, ship and ship’s operator have nothing to do with drug trafficking, the ship was used as transportation means to contraband cocaine. Crew just can’t prevent or spot divers attaching something to ship’s underwater hull
Product tanker KALUBA was intercepted in Caribbean by join efforts of Dominican Republic, US and Netherlands, after several months investigation and shadowing of three main suspects in drug trafficking. Tanker was taken to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 1570 kilos of pure cocaine were found, 12 crew detained, suspect in accomplishing drug ring. Tanker was en route from Aruba Caribbean to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Several main suspects in organizing cocaine traffic have been already put under arrest. Tanker was seized either on New Year Eve or shortly after. Cocaine was hidden in cargo tank.

В Испании на борту контейнеровоза изъяли рекордные девять тонн кокаина
Апрель 26, 20181318

Испанские власти изъяли почти девять тонн кокаина, найденного в контейнере на борту судна в порту Альхесирас.

В связи с этим было арестовано пять человек.

Представители испанской таможенной службы сообщили, что следователи изъяли в общей сложности 8 740 килограммов наркотика. Кокаин обнаружили в контейнере с 1080 коробками колумбийских бананов на контейнеровозе Lucie Schulte.

Это самое крупное изъятие кокаина, когда-либо проведенное в Испании, а также крупнейшая контрабанда наркотиков на контейнеровозе в Европе.

Полиция отслеживала контейнеры до места назначения в Малаге, Испания. где арестовала трех человек от компании-импортера. Еще двоих задержали во Франции, подозревая в связи с транспортировкой кокаина.

Контейнеровоз Lucie Schulte отпустили и он продолжил плавание. Судно вместимостью 2572 TEU зарегистрировано в Сингапуре.
http://mtelegraph.com/record-nine-tons- ... ciras.html

Security at Santos port, Brazil, spotted suspicious activity at Italian ro-ro ship GRANDE NIGERIA seaside at dawn Aug 7, on CCTV cameras. A speedboat came alongside berthed GRANDE NIGERIA , some objects were hoisted from boat to ship’s cargo deck, i.e. there were people on board waiting for boat with its’ cargo. Police and Port Security officers couldn’t reach the ship in time to detain perpetrators, during ship’s search 18 suitcases were found in containers with rice and scrap. Waterproof suitcases contained cocaine, of 1.2 ton total weight. An investigation was launched, probing both port workers and crew probable involvement. GRANDE NIGERIA left Santos on Aug 9, bound reportedly, for Europe, hopefully with all crew on board. Containers where suitcases were hidden were destined for Antwerp.

Colombia: Over a Ton of Cocaine Found on Containership
More than one ton of cocaine hydrochloride has been seized on board a Singapore-flagged boxship in the waters near Barranquilla, the Colombian Navy said.

The 9,814 TEU Cap San Tainaro left the Port of Cartagena on August 1, 2018, heading for the Port of Antwerp in Belgium.

The country’s navy intercepted the Post-Panamax vessel in a joint operation conducted together with the coast guard and other agencies.

Following an inspection, a total of 1,144 kilograms of cocaine were found. The cocaine has a value of USD 66 million in the European black market, according to the navy.

What is more, the navy detained Cap San Tainaro’s fifteen crewmen who are reportedly Ukrainian nationals.

The boxship, built at Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in 2014, is owned by Greece-based Enesel SA, VesselsValue’s data shows.

A rather unusual and confusing incident took place in the morning Aug 12 off Santos Brazil, when GRIMALDI’s ro-ro GRANDE FRANCIA was boarded by several armed man from a boat, which came alongside the ship, anchored on Santos outer Anchorage. The crew who spotted intruders alerted the bridge, Master activated security system and informed Santos authorities, requiring immediate assistance. Understood the crew blocked superstructure or hided inside most safe compartments, waiting for help. Navy patrol came too late to intercept the intruders because of foul weather, they managed to flee the ship. Cargo area was searched, two broken containers were found, with nothing stolen. But in two other containers bags were found with 1322 kilo of cocaine in them. Bags were still wet. According to preliminary version, broken containers were a distraction, to smokescreen drug shipment. But police isn’t sure whether cocaine was brought by intruders, or was already on board, loaded during ship’s stay in port.
What’s all about, is absolutely unclear. Several days before, on Aug 7, another GRIMALDI’s ro-ro ship, GRANDE NIGERIA, was also involved in cocaine trafficking attempt, while the ship was berthed at Santos.

Luxury yacht HCH-X was intercepted by Spanish Customs patrol boat early in the morning Aug 19, 15 nm west of Ibiza, Balearic Islands, on a suspicion of drugs trafficking. Some 300 kilo of cocaine of 18 mil euro value were found, divided into two parts 150 kilo each, and hidden inside yacht’s interior and Captain’s cabin. Yacht 5 crew were arrested, 4 of them being Dutch, and 1 German nationality. Yacht was taken to Palma de Mallorca. Understood bales with high quality cocaine were picked up by yacht after they’ve been dropped by a cargo ship. Investigation under way.

11 persons, part of drug trafficking ring, were arrested, 9 of them in Rio, during large-scale anti drug operation in Brazil, more arrests are coming, with 40 arrest and search warrants being already issued. Operation was focused on maritime drugs trafficking, by means of containers, bound for Europe. Criminals called the scheme “rip-off”, it demanded complicit stevedores on board. Small boat with drugs approached berthed container ship, drugs were hoisted by stevedores and placed into specific, previously selected, containers. The shippers and consignees weren’t aware of contraband, at least the police found no evidence pointing at them, so far.
What’s curious, is the photo with confiscated cocaine packs, provided by the police. Photo was published on Oct 10, after the police caught 4 criminals on board of container ship during drug bust, 2 of them being stevedores. Packs on photo are labeled with symbol of ruling Russian Party, Edinaya Rossiya (United Russia), portraying a bear, with Russian Banner in the background.


Ага, приходит лично Эскобар в сопровождении трех вооруженных горилл к мастеру

Звали его Паша по фамилии Эскобаров

знакомые уже просвятили,

да уж кто-бы сомневался. видео показывали, поди, вблизи..

ох%$нные данные. Для меня много значат.я вижу все. Ибо это на глазах такое проходило и экипажи знают на что идут, а потому что премия гарантирована приличная, да им там не только мораки будут :D

а то что произошло я даже догадываюсь. <_<

главное что 9.5 тонн кокса не доехали. хорошо обломали бизнес :D
05.02.19 - 21:04 #6719094

Один целую простыню постит на непонятном языке потенциального противника. Другой эту простыню цитирует, чтобы написать три строки своего текста....
05.02.19 - 21:13 #6719095

Как это - не доехал кокаин? Всё доехало. Сказано ведь - разгружено в Кабо-Верде. Груз получили, просто платить не хотят, вот и арестовали.
05.02.19 - 21:15 #6719096

05.02.19 - 21:18 #6719098
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